Posts Tagged ‘customer complaint’

What would you do if a company treated your very badly?

January 21, 2016

Unfortunately this does happen. A customer buys a product or service and the company takes advantage and leaves the customer with a useless product and no money.

Any normal company would do their best to make it up to the customer. However a bad company will ignore it and take the view that they have the customer’s money and nothing else matters.

Companies like these give their industry a bad name. People run campaigns against them on twitter, but of course they don’t use social media and don’t care anyway.

They generally rely on the high value one time purchase and know that once they have the customer’s money that’s the end of the relationship.

I believe that every company should have a customer service rating and that it should be that which governs their page rank on search engines. That’s why we built http://gibli.comanger 2