Archive for the ‘business reviews’ Category

The 10,000 poor people who keep each of us alive.

January 17, 2016

There are hundreds, possibly thousands of people in the developing world making products for us. Everything from food to mobile phones to clothes.

They may be grateful for the work, but they could also be struggling for survival. Do they have enough money to feed their kids, or take a mother to a doctor if she gets sick?

Some companies are good at looking after these people like the organisations which make Fair Trade products, but others might not be interested or care.

I even thought about building a website which helped people ‘twin’ themselves with people like this. But poor people Outrageare unlikely to have access to the internet.

If you know companies which are doing good things for people in need, why not rate them on which aims to build an ethical rating for each company.

Companies with great customer service deserve to do well.

January 16, 2016

I had some great service this morning when a bunch of guys from James Car Wash in Rayleigh, Essex gave my car a great clean. It took them just 20 minutes and they only charged me £12. In the past I’ve been charged £70 for this kind of service by other companies and they left my lights on and drained my battery into the bargain.

This kind of good service deserver a rating on

archie's car

Top 20 types of businesses

September 29, 2015

Of the 20 businesses in the Top 20 b2b customer rating page at there are 16 different sorts of business. The best represented are training companies with 3 in the top 20, next are printer supplies, networking groups and accountants with 2 each.

They are followed by a list of other businesses with 1 rating each including:

Business supplies, Copywriters, Designers, Digital marketing, Foreign exchange, Membership organisations, Payroll, Recycling, Remote backup, Video creators and Website hosts.

Many other types of businesses have been reviewed by their customers on , but it gives you a feel for the mainly business to business types of organisation that are being reviewed. It is of course free to sign up and review your suppliers. Alternatively if you would like to see your company on this list, just ask your best customers to review your business on

Blogging about companies in top 20

September 28, 2015

Every day we publish a blog on WordPress and send it out to Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook about a small business which have been promoted onto the Top 20 page at by its customers.

The blog is at

If you would like to retweet these the Links are:

Twitter: @giblicom

