Archive for the ‘delegation’ Category

The problem with delegation

October 1, 2015

Some of us are good at delegating, others find it very hard. There is one real reason behind the difficulty some of us have and that is that we are ‘Completer Finishers’. This is one of the Belbin team roles in the well-known team roles personality test.

The Completer Finisher is a perfectionist and will go the extra mile to make sure everything is absolutely right, and the things he or she delivers can be trusted to have been double and triple checked. The Completer Finisher has a desperate need for accuracy, and sets his or her own high standards rather than trusting others to have the same exacting standards. They may frustrate their teammates by worrying excessively on minor details and by refusing to delegate tasks that they do not trust anyone else to perform.

It’s pointless trying to teach them to learn to delegate; they will just see it as criticism. The best thing you can do is to give them the expert and specialist role they crave, and let them get on with it.

You could put a Completer Finisher in charge of rating the organisations you buy from on It’s the kind of role he or she would do really well building a network of excellence around your company. They would also be good at asking your best customers to rate your business and get convincing testimonials and reviews onto gibli.