Archive for February, 2012

A social network that works for business

February 23, 2012

If a new social network was developed to help businesses, how would it work?

I notice that most of the social networks we use were not built with businesses in mind, but if one was, what would it do?

·        Some ideas which I’ve already heard include:

·        Find us new customers

·        Find us suppliers

·        Allow us to evaluate potential suppliers

·        Help businesses reduce their carbon foot prints

But what else would it do?

Businesses using non business social websites

February 21, 2012

I see today that is being publicised to businesses. It’s works as a kind of gallery, as you can upload your favourite images and other users can comment on them. Lots of fun for creative people, but not really designed for businesses.

However once again a social networking not designed for business is being used by businesses. It’s down to the intelligence and creativity of business people finding ways they can work with non-business tools.

But wouldn’t it be great if a new social network was designed for businesses.

If it was, what would it allow you to do?

How do I chose a supplier?

February 21, 2012

You’ve found two suppliers. They both look good. They both have professional websites and nice looking promotional material.

Which do you chose?

If its low value, you could take a chance. But if it’s a lot of money you’re planning to send their way you have to get it right.

Their sales people are smart and have an answer to every question.

A big company would do some sort of due diligence exercise.

But you don’t run a big company, and have to make a decision with the minimum of fuss.

What you need is some way to understand their reputation and standing in their industry.

Then search social networks to see if they are seen as a good or a bad employer.

Do they do stuff for charity? Or have they got testimonials on sites like LinkedIn?

Then you have to choose. But choose the good, kind, helpful over the bad, sour or cynical.